CMT has grown to be one of the

Largest Professional Tree Care Companies

in the River Region.

CMT began serving the region in 1985 equipped with only a bucket truck and a trailer. Since its early days, CMT has grown to be one of the largest professional tree care companies in the River Region.

Specializing in all types of tree care, CMT has come to be the tree service trusted by many city, county, state and federal agencies such as Maxwell Air Force Base, The Veterans Administration Hospital, and The Federal Prison Camp, The Alabama State Capital, The Governor’s Mansion, The Alabama Department of Transportation, The City of Montgomery, and Montgomery County. We also serve many commercial customers in the area such as The Shoppes at EastChase, Aronov Properties, Lowder New Homes, Lamar Advertising, Alfa Builders, Baptist Medical Center, Jim Wilson and Associates, W.S. Newell, Inc and many others.

Contact Us Now!or Call Us at (334) 409-9200

Our Residential Customers Get the Same Care and Service as the Commercial Customers and are to Many to Begin to Name.

  • We are active in the River Region. CMT has sponsored a Dixie Youth ball team every year since 1992. We are also members of the Montgomery Area Chamber of Commerce.
  • CMT’s president, Chris Dowd, is an ISA Certified Arborist #SO5934A, demonstrating he had the knowledge, skills, and desire to pass the certification test. This information can be verified on the ISA website
  • CMT is also a very GREEN company. We recycle all tree debris generated from our tree work. We have a division of our company which grinds tree debris into fuel wood which is sold to paper companies or into landscape mulch used as bedding materials.

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Want to Contact Us? Click Here or Call (334) 409-9200